According to Homeopathy, health is the state of harmony between the body and the mind. When this harmony is disturbed by external factors, disease (“dis-ease”) in the form of symptoms arises. Therefore, an effective cure not only eliminates symptoms but also eliminates the body’s ability to contract the disease in the first place. This all happens while in the process of restoring the body’s health. In Homeopathy, the plan to build health is individualized with diluted doses and no side effects and are chosen based on the Law of Similars. Since our bodies are fully equipped with systems ready to defend, detox, and heal, a healthy person only needs a little stimulus to jumpstart the process of healing. Homeopathy remedies do not necessarily directly fight the disease; rather, they train the body to fight these diseases which improves its resistance and reduces the likelihood of developing new diseases. Homeopathy’s ultimate goal is to achieve a healthy body and a happy mind.
Concept of Homeopathy
So how exactly does Homeopathy work? Homeopathy is based off of three simple concepts:
Concept 1: The body’s organs are all interdependent. When one organ is sick, the body’s chain of harmony is disturbed and manifests diseases. These problems can be seen similar to the domino effect; this is why instead of analyzing each organ separately, the whole body is analyzed. Example:In the disease Maxillary Sinusitis, pus in the sinuses cause pressure on the gums, spreading this bacteria to the gums and teeth and causing infection in multiple areas. Because there is one cause for both the Sinusitis and the gum infection (Gingivitis), Homeopathy gives one remedy to solve both problems.
Concept 2: Symptoms are similar or different, but there is going to be a connection between them. It is crucial to understand that for effective results. One symptom can be caused by multiple problems. Example: Breathlessness can be caused by Anemia, Asthma, anxiety, and allergic reactions. One problem can cause multiple symptoms. Example: Let us take the example of weakness. Eye muscle weakness causes poor eyesight, lung weakness causes breathlessness, heart muscle weakness causes palpitations, and mind weakness causes an inability to think and remember. By addressing the root cause, weakness, every organ in the body is strengthened. One remedy can solve multiple problems at once. This is also why one doctor is focusing on the body’s overall health is much more effective than having multiple doctors focusing on each organ separately. Concept 3: The body and mind are connected. A problem in one of these causes a problem in the other. Example:Migraines, acidity, ulcers, and hypertension are all psychosomatic, meaning caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress.
Every disease has two types of symptoms: common and uncommon. Common symptoms are symptoms that are found in most cases of the disease, and uncommon symptoms result from each person’s individual response. This is why remedies are individualized in Homeopathy. Example: Depending on the person’s body type, milk can cause a variety of problems: gas, itches, eczema, nasal congestion, and eye swelling. While milk is the cause, the person’s unique response to milk is the most important information for figuring out the right remedy.
"Working with Madhavi for the past two years has brought me immeasurable relief! I was seeing another homeopath that did not have great bedside manner or understand what I was going through as a person with Multiple Sclerosis. Not to mention, I have a young child with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Before seeing Madhavi, I experienced significant flare ups with the changing of seasons, to include drastic changes in weather. After working with Madhavi for the first month I saw major changes in my hearing that doctors could not explain. I have had my share of ups and downs when I don't stick to some of Madhavi's coach methods, but I have learned my lesson.
Madhavi has inspired me to continue down the path of a homeopath. I wish to make an impact in the world as she does. As a client, I ensured my son was under the care of Madhavi. My son's story is amazing! I love how homeopathy has been a gentle, yet powerful modality that we can count on. I am seeing changes in my son that other homeopathic practitioners couldn't reach. My son came to her exhibiting moderate to severe signs of sensory processing disorder and we have been able to work on his challenges along with his lack of speech. It's beautiful to witness him blooming. Today he drew his first picture! I can't wait to have a conversation with him.
I recommend Madhavi to everyone I come in contact with, her knowledge and willingness to assist everyone that wishes to experience optimal health is astounding. We must be sure to make an investment in our health, as it is our true wealth. Fruits and vegetables will only take us so far, homeopathy is the answer to what ails us." - Nikole G.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition and is not a replacement for treatment by a healthcare provider. (Keywords: Atlanta, Homeopathy, Natural, Classical Homeopathy, Holistic, Safe, Gentle)